Some 5000 years ago, in India, Yoga was only a meditation practice.
Its aim was for mortals to be as one with the Divine.

Over the times, wise men added the dimension of physical practice to spirituality.


Yoga is a Science of Life.
Come and discover the Story of Yoga on my blog.
You will find information on the History of Yoga and its evolution.
The treasures of Yoga, its truths and legends,
its variations, and its various disciplines
So many topics that regularly feed my blog.

I am happy to share with you a fascinating world: the World of Yoga.

Yoga has conquered the West, especially since the 1970s.
However, whereas more and more Westerners are interested in Yoga,
in India, Yoga tends to become a page in the history of this fascinating country.

In my opinion, this may be explained, in part, by the fact that our modern
western societies have become detached from religion over the last 50 years;
nevertheless, people always remain in search of spirituality.
Yoga is an answer to this quest.

Moreover, along with the destruction of the great natural spaces,
human activity has concentrated on increasingly dense urban areas,
whilst forcing people to live at a frenetic pace.

Yoga offers a new space,
bringing us back to the essential and suggesting other dimensions.






Our lives in contemporary Western societies
are marked by various destabilising factors, for instance,
the considerable stress we accumulate.
Likewise, new eating and behavioural habits (instantaneity,
the search for permanent performance, addictions to drugs,
and screens, junk-food, over-consumption, etc.) all converge
against our balance, our well-being and our personal fulfilment.

Therefore, science and medicine recommend regular physical activity
to help us cope with this way of life and to protect ourselves.
Here again, yoga is an answer.

Yoga is the alliance of spiritual and physical practice.

Yoga helps people of all ages, genders and social backgrounds
to find themselves, recharge their batteries and change their bad behavioural reflexes.

At the same time, Yoga also provides us with a Guide
in order to live better, with a healthy body and mind,
within the values of non-violence, tolerance, solidarity and respect.






My Influences


Two currents made me the Yogi I am today:
I have been trained in Iyengar Yoga by Faeq Biria,
a disciple of BKS Iyengar, and by other experienced teachers
from his Yoga Centre in Paris,
Hervé Vanlierde, Alexandre Onffroy and Emily Megged
with whom I continue to improve and progress as time goes by.

I am always eager to learn new things and being open-minded,
I soon developed an interest in Ashtanga Yoga.
I was deeply marked by its uniqueness.

I am ever so happy to be able to take lessons with teachers
for whom I have the greatest respect:
Patrick Frapeau, Krista Cahill and
Eddie Stern, a disciple of Pattabhi Jois.

My gratitude to them is boundless.

Two currents made me the Yogi I am today:
I have been trained in Iyengar Yoga by Faeq Biria,
a disciple of BKS Iyengar, and by other experienced teachers
from his Yoga Centre in Paris,
Hervé Vanlierde, Alexandre Onffroy and Emily Megged
with whom I continue to improve and progress as time goes by.

I am always eager to learn new things and being open-minded,
I soon developed an interest in Ashtanga Yoga.
I was deeply marked by its uniqueness.

I am ever so happy to be able to take lessons with teachers
for whom I have the greatest respect:
Patrick Frapeau, Krista Cahill and
Eddie Stern, a disciple of Pattabhi Jois.

My gratitude to them is boundless.

Iyengar Yoga

The Yoga of assiduousness, discipline and rigor.

Ashtanga Yoga

Dynamic Yoga

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